
STA 6093

Introduction to Applied Statistics for Agricultural and Life Sciences

Graduate Level:  Fall and Spring Semesters

Course Description: This course provides students with a conceptual and practical understanding of the application of statistics in the agricultural and life sciences. This is an online course that will use a combination of lectures, programming demonstrations, data exercises using the programming language R, group activities, and primary literature to teach introductory statistics at the graduate level. This course is NOT a “go at your own pace” course. Each module must be completed in a specific week.

ALS 6500

Multivariate Statistics for Agricultural and Life Sciences

Graduate Level:  Fall Semester

Course Description: This course provides students with a conceptual and practical understanding of the application of multivariate statistics in the life sciences. This course consists of a one period lecture and a two period computer lab (which may also contain a lecture) where students will put to use the techniques learned in lecture using R, the open source language for statistical computing and graphics. The prerequisites are an introductory statistics course and some experience with the R language (although the latter is not strictly necessary).